Pro/Desktop in Maths
Year 10 - Volume and Surface Area
This section focusses on two year 10 lessons, one on volume, mass and density and the other on surface area.
From the Edexcel GCSE syllabus:
Shape, Space and Measure
MA3 1
- select and combine known facts and problem-solving strategies to solve complex problems
- interpret, discuss and synthesise geometrical information presented in a variety of forms
MA3 4
- find areas of rectangles, recalling the formula, understanding the connection to counting squares and how it extends this approach
- recall and use the formulae for the area of a parallelogram and a triangle
- find the surface area of simple shapes using the area formulae for triangles and rectangles
- calculate perimeters and areas of shapes made from triangles and rectangles
- find volumes of cuboids, recalling the formula and understanding the connection to counting cubes and how it extends this approach
- calculate volumes of right prisms and of shapes made from cubes and cuboids
- find circumferences of circles and areas enclosed by circles, recalling relevant formulae
- understand and use compound measures, including density
MA3 3
- solve problems involving surface areas and volumes of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres
- solve problems involving more complex shapes and solids, including segments of circles and frustums of cones
Some of these objectives come from the foundation syllabus, some from intermediate and some from higher. Only those appropriate to the shape being used apply. The task is generic, differentiation is done by selecting the appropriate shape for the students.
Lesson Plans (Word Docs)
Pro/Desktop Files
Egg Timer
- Cylinder, Hemisphere, Frustrum of a Cone
- Robot 1
- Cube, Cuboid
- Robot 2
- Cuboid, Triangular Prism, Cylinder
- Rocket
- Cylinder, Cone, Frustrum of a Cone
- Toy Car 1
- Cylinder, Cuboid, Trapezoidal Prism
- Toy Car 2
- Cylinder, Various Prisms
- Toy House 1
- Cube, Cuboid, Trapezoidal Prism
- Toy House 2
- Cube, Cuboid, Triangular Prism
- Tractor
- Cylinder, Cuboid, Trapezoidal Prism
Worksheets (Word Docs)